Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016

Contoh Posting 2

Rp. 100.000

Contoh Posting 2

  1. From 2007 onwards typing =lorem(i) or =lorem(i, j) in MS Word creates greeking text--don't forget to hit the enter key; i and j need to be integers, where i stands for the amount of desired paragraphs and j numbers the sentences per paragraph. j has a default value of 3 and a maximum set to 6665. >> screenshots
  2. For notepad++, a Windows text editor, the InsertLoremIpsumNppPlugin can be downloaded at twenfour.com. It generates and inserts Lorem Ipsum, either as words, sentences, or paragraphs. The installation requires to copy the fileInsertLoremIpsumNppPlugin.dll and the Config directory (both are contained in the zip file) to the "plugins" subdirectory of the Notepad++ installation directory. Afterwards, a new option "InsertLoremIpsum" will show in the "plugin" menu entry. A restart may be required. >> screenshots
  3. For Open Office an extension named Magenta Lorem ipsum generator is available atservices.openoffice.org. Once installed, an icon will be shown in a toolbar below the menu bar, with the option to insert a number of paragraphs, the maximum is set to 25. >>screenshots
  4. GeanyLipsum is a plugin for Windows and Linux. It inserts Lorem Ipsum copy with a length of 1 to 5,000 chars and provides a keyboard shortcut.
  5. Adobe Dreamweaver, a web development environment, has a plugin in form of a Dreamweaver object named Dreamweaver Text. It can be accessed both from the Objects menu via Common > Lorem Ipsum palette or using the Lorem Ipsum entry in the Insert > Technocurve Menu.
    An alternative, possibly more versatile, is Lorem and More. It inserts dummy copy as paragraphs, lists, and regular text. Optionally available are extracts from a speech by Cicero, corporate nonsense, and a randomised sonnet by Shakespeare. Text may be inserted in code view and design view. The tool can be accessed via the Lorem and More icon on the Common tab of the Insert bar (MX) or the Common objects panel (DW4). Else, it's accessible using the menu: Insert > Lorem and More.
  6. It's easy to insert dummy copy with the Scribus text editor. Select a text frame, then chose "Sample Text" from the context menu after right-clicking. Predefined dummy copy in any languages can be set by configuring an XML file and storing it in a subdirectory "/loremipsum" of your Scribus installation. >> screenshots
Do you know of other plugins? Please tell us.

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